Well Rooted Youth Ministries
6th - 12th Grade
Well Rooted’s aim is to help 6th through 12th grade students develop strong
relationships with others and with God. Above all, our focus comes from Ephesians
3:16-19. That we would be “well-rooted” in Christ—our Living Hope! Bring a friend
and check us out! Pastor Kory would love the chance to connect with you. You can
reach him at pastorkory@livinghopekc.org
relationships with others and with God. Above all, our focus comes from Ephesians
3:16-19. That we would be “well-rooted” in Christ—our Living Hope! Bring a friend
and check us out! Pastor Kory would love the chance to connect with you. You can
reach him at pastorkory@livinghopekc.org
Be in the know.
If you haven't already, join our remind group below to receive text updates about locations, times, etc.
Wednesday Nights
Worship + Games
Join us for games, worship and a message! This is a great time to connect with God and with each other. We get excited about the community that this weekly meeting brings. Meet us in at the Church House on the corner of 175th & Ridgeview(near the barn)!
Sunday Evenings
Small Groups
Join us on Sunday nights as we dive into God’s Word, where we’ll read, discuss, and grow together. We meet at a different house each week and split into groups from there! Want to know where we're meeting this week? Reach out to Pastor Kory here: pastorkory@livinghopekc.org
Need an event scholarship?
If you need any help getting to camp or any other event, fill out the scholarship application below and we would love to see how we can help you!