Hope Groups

Connect. Grow.  Have Fun.

Small Group Ministry

At the heart of our church is a desire to help people connect with one another through real conversation and community. Hope Groups are a great and simple way to build community and grow deeper in your faith.

Spring Hope Groups 2025

We were all created to pursue the plans of God with the people of God. Being a part of a group is where we can be known by others, be discipled, and become all that God has planned for our lives.
*Each group is 6-9 weeks in length and will follow different content.

Michael & Sheri Kochendorfer

Sundays @5:30pm
Will study "Lenten Reflections".
Meets in the church coffee shop.
Childcare provided via Kids Hope Groups.

Brittany Morsch

Sundays @5:30pm
Women's Study - "Now & Not Yet". Meets at Brittany's home.
Childcare provided via Kids Hope Groups.

Bill & Marcy Fitzpatrick

Tuesdays @7:00pm
The Chosen.
Meets in the home of Randy and Tanya Wilkinson in Olathe.
No childcare provided.

Nate & Taylar Rabel

Wednesdays @7:00pm
Will study "What Happens Next" by Max Lucado.
Meets in the church coffee shop.
No childcare provided.

Pastor John

Saturdays @9:00am
Men's study on Philippians.
Meets in the church coffee shop .
No childcare provided.

Find your Group.

Summer Season

During the summer months our groups are activity driven. These groups happen June and July. Look to sign up for these groups in May.

Spring Season

This season will be filled with groups that focus on a unique material for 6-9 weeks. Each group leader will select their material and guide the group through it. Sign up for the Spring season early in the new year.

Fall Season

This season is different from the Spring in that each HOPE group follows the same material based on the Sunday sermon series. Groups begin in the Fall.

Miss this season's window?

That's okay! Tap below to find other ways to serve and connect!